We first look to the external world. When we don’t find fulfillment there, we look within.
Our spiritual journey begins…
I wish you a fulfilling and gratifying journey to YOUR TRUE SELF. May you be the peace and light you are looking for.
(ओम् तत् सत् )
- Preety Wadhwa

Intro to the teacher
Om & Namaste! My name is Preety, I am a Deepak Chopra certified Meditation teacher, Hatha yoga instructor, and a mother of four beautiful kids.
ENLIGHTENMENT is nothing but “lightening up'' according to my mentor Roger Gabriel. The pace of our lives has accelerated multifold and there is a need to lighten up today more than ever.
Stillness In Mindfulness is my passionate endeavor of paving the path to living light through the timeless practices of Meditation, Mindfulness, and Breathing as offered by the wisdom traditions of the world. I am not your GURU. I am just a friend who wants to walk with you on this path to ENLIGHTENMENT where inner peace, joy, and bliss are “ A WAY OF LIFE “.

About Us
अथ योगानुशासनम्
AND NOW THE PRACTICE OF YOGA BEGINS……The chance to begin the practice of yoga arises every single moment.
The word ‘Yoga’ literally means ‘Union’. When we practice yoga, we experience our true nature which is nothing but WHOLENESS and PERFECTION.
What most of us experience in our daily lives and what society has accepted as normal is just a fraction of what we are capable of experiencing.
Stillness In Mindfulness gives a vision of what is possible. Stillness In Mindfulness offers a complete toolbox equipping you with presence & resilience so that you lead a life pivoting from a calm centered space inside you - YOUR TRUE SELF.
Stillness in Mindfulness gives a strong foundation to cultivate a state of restful alertness where intentions become all-powerful making way for infinite possibilities, unbounded potential, creativity, vitality, synchronicity, and correlation.

Our Services
Duration - 1 class
(75 minutes)
It is scientifically documented that meditation has shown to reduce stress and anxiety. It helps us cultivate a state of restful alertness so that we are able to effectively deal with uncertainties of life.
Duration - 1 class
(75 minutes)
Start an in-depth journey to discovering the true-SELF- realm of infinite peace, unbounded joy, & infinite bliss-
through techniques & philosophy of PRANAYAMA (YOGIC-BREATHING) & MANTRA MEDITATION.
Duration - 4 classes
(3 classes- 90 minutes each + one private session for Personal Mantra)
Primordial Sound Meditation is a signature course by Deepak Chopra. It is a time-tested meditation technique dating back thousands of years to the Vedic traditions of India. Primordial Sound Meditation uses individually selected Mantras to disconnect from the activity of the world.
Duration - 20 minutes
Create a sense of spaciousness and effortless-ease while I guide you into a meditation session. Re-store, Re-energise and Re-connect with your source.
Duration - 30 minutes
Pranayama practices serve as a great precursor for meditation. By practice of pranayama the mind becomes one pointed and one can progress quickly in meditation.
Duration - 1 class
(45-60 minutes)
Get the Personalised support you require to make these practices a part of your daily life.
Susan Carrolan
Preety guides you into the beautiful world of meditation with ease and grace. She is very knowledgeable about the process and creates a very supportive environment where you can slowly move into a fulfilling meditation practice on your own. I would highly recommend working with her if you would like to bring meditation into your life.
Mrrinali Gupta
I started my meditation journey with Preety at a time I could not even sit still for 2 minutes. She helped me build my practice with patience and personalised tips based on how I was progressing. I highly recommend Preety for anyone who wants to make mindfulness a part of life. She is commited to helping people lead better lives. The anecdotes and insights from her own practice and journey are truly invaluable.

Janet Seals
The experience of receiving the mantra and the step-by-step experience and teaching of the components of meditation as Preety offers them, has clarified, improved and deepened my meditation experience. My experience is that the mantra works. Preety offers the experience with depth, light, and wisdom. She is gentle, calm, clear, and shines from within.

Cynthia Yablonski
Preety's spirit and gentle guiding energy during the teaching of the Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation was nurturing as she highlighted and addressed the basis of meditation and how to address intrusive thoughts that can interfere with a meditation process and practice. Preety's provided a simple, direct, and manageable practice with meditation tools to assist anyone wanting an antidote to stress