Mantra means focusing the mind
Mantras play a significant role in our meditation journey. Mantra is a vehicle to go within. Using a mantra to meditate helps you go into deeper and deeper levels of awareness in a shorter timespan.

The word Mantra has two parts-
Man- root of the sanskrit word for mind
Tra- root of the sanskrit word for instrument
Mantra is therefore an instrument of the mind. It is a powerful sound vibration that you can use to enter a deep state of meditation. Mantra is a pure sound with no emotional charge to trigger any associations. It allows the mind to detach from its usual preoccupations and experience the spaciousness and calm within. As you repeat a mantra in meditation, it becomes increasingly abstract and distinct until you are finally led into the field of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS from which the vibration arose.
Mantras means focusing the mind. Ordinarily, our minds are fragmented. They are moving in all sorts of different directions with all the different thoughts, emotions, feelings, and desires which keep our minds fragmented and prevent us from connecting to our deeper-essence. In the mantra practice, our aim is to take the mind back to the stage of WHOLENESS, where it’s not divided by our fragmented thoughts. Repeating the mantra in meditation aids us in focusing the mind, helping us in the process called EKAGRA CHITTA- the one-pointed mind or the unified state.
Everything in the universe is a sound or vibration. A mantra is mystical energy encased in a sound structure. Every mantra contains within its vibrations a certain power. On concentration & repetition, its energy is elicited and takes form. According to vedic tradition, the first sound or vibration of the universe is OM or AUM out of which all the sounds and vibrations emerge.
OM is the COSMIC HUM, we feel deep within us.
There is no doubt that sound has a definite and predictable effect on the human psyche and body. Let’s just look into the difference between classical music and rock music. The first tends to be relaxing while the other excites our senses. Sounds have been used therapeutically for thousands of years in many spiritual and healing traditions.
Every aspect of our mind, body, spirit, and environment vibrates at a certain frequency. Composed of vibrations, we are integral players in a magnificent symphony of creation. When the members of an orchestra are in perfect tune and synchronization, the sound resonates with harmony. The same is true with us. When every element of our being vibrates in tune with the world around us, we live happy, healthy, and harmonious lives. Mantras are sounds that balance the vibrational disharmony in our environment, maintaining the balance of our internal vibrations leading us into WHOLENESS - OUR TRUE-ESSENCE.