Meditation is a core practice of sitting with oneself for a set period to cultivate awareness and relaxation. Though it is the easiest thing to do, people find it challenging. In this blog, I have tried to cover the basic practical aspects to help you establish a Meditation practice of your own.

Preparing for meditation does not require a lot of paraphernalia. All you need to do to meditate is sit comfortably and close your eyes. Meditation is best done sitting in an upright position with a straight spine and preferably closed eyes. You can sit in a simple cross-legged position or any posture that feels comfortable. If sitting on the chair, place both feet firmly on the ground, hip-width apart, shin bones parallel to each other. Hands can be placed on the respective knees palm facing up or right hand on top of the left placed comfortably in the middle of your lap. It is recommended not to lie down while meditating because the body might associate lying down with falling asleep.
Most of your meditations should be done preferably at home. Create a small space or dedicate a small corner in your home for meditation. You may add some of your favorite things such as candles, crystals, idols of deities, or any uplifting images. Make the place as inviting as possible. You can throw some blankets or pillows. Creating a meditation space at home triggers neuro associative conditioning. This is helpful as your mind will make an association every time you enter the space, and you will naturally start entering meditative states.
Meditation is a journey from activity to silence. As long as one of your five senses is engaged you will not be able to go into quieter levels of mind. Thus, it is recommended to keep your eyes closed, and not to play any music. However, if you have difficulty keeping your eyes closed, you can either keep a downward gaze or alternate between keeping the eyes close & open. If you enjoy music, you can play soft soothing tunes before your meditation practice.

Keep your phones on silent and inform your family members not to come looking for you. If you have kids or pets, settle them in a different room before you start to meditate.
Meditation is best practiced twice a day. The best suitable times for meditation are dawn and dusk as there are a lot of positive vibrations in the environment at this time which is conducive to meditation. Having said that the most important thing is to find a routine that works for you. However, it is not recommended to practice meditation more than twice a day as this could release too much stress too quickly leading to a feeling of discomfort or being spaced out.
It is prime to mention the importance of being consistent in our meditation practice. Once we start meditating regularly, we start to enhance our focus, creativity, intention, insight and life becomes more meaningful and purposeful. All we need to do is find time to meditate and the rest will follow!