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Our Services

Stillness In Mindfulness is my own life-journey of healing and transformation through life-changing tools & techniques of meditation. It is my most cherished dream of being LOVE IN ACTIONby sharing these practices with you so that you rediscover your inner-intelligence and create a life of your dreams.

Meditation For Beginners 
Duration - 1 class : 75 minutes 

It is scientifically documented that meditation has shown to reduce stress and anxiety. It helps us cultivate a state of restful alertness so that we are able to effectively deal with uncertainties of life.


This workshop provides a wonderful platform to learn the basics of meditation.  Whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator, equip yourself with the tools required to build your own meditation practice. 


What to expect :

  • What is meditation     

  • Benefits of meditation

  • Setting up a home practice                      

  • Obstacles to meditation

  • Tips to establish a practice on your own


Journey to Self

Duration - 75 minutes 

Start an in-depth journey to discovering the true-SELF- realm of infinite peace, unbounded joy, & infinite bliss-
through techniques & philosophy of PRANAYAMA (YOGIC-BREATHING) & MANTRA MEDITATION.

Pranayama & Mantra Meditation form an integral component of Yogic tradition practiced for thousands of years bringing healing, transformation, and spiritual awakening.

● Learn tangible practices rooted in VEDIC wisdom traditions of India practiced for thousands of years.
● Work directly on the patterns of the subconscious mind, altering impulses, habits, & afflictions.
● Awaken body’s own inner-intelligence establishing a connection with the SELF- A space of heightened awareness.
● Go beyond the mind’s busy activity & emotional turbulence into profound peace & stillness.

Primordial Sound Meditation
Duration - 4 classes (3 classes- 90 minutes each + one private session for Personal Mantra)

Primordial Sound Meditation is a signature course by Deepak Chopra. It is a time-tested meditation technique dating back thousands of years to the Vedic traditions of India. Conferring with Vedic scholars in U.S. and India, this ancient technique was revived and reintroduced and made available in a format that is easy for anyone to learn.


Primordial Sound Meditation uses individually selected sounds of nature called Mantras to disconnect us from activity of life. These primordial sounds are based on the vibration the universe was creating at the moment of your birth. Practicing Primordial sound Meditation on daily basis will help you :

  • Manage stress & anxiety               

  • Create inner-peace

  • Improves your relationships          

  • Lower your blood pressure

  • Improve your sleep patterns        

  • Connect more deeply to your soul


What to expect :


Class 1- You will learn the basic principles of meditation, its history, and the importance of your mantra.


Class 2 - You will receive your Personal Mantra selected individually for you based on your date, place, & time of birth in a one-on-one ceremony. You will receive personal instruction and learn how to unlock the power of your mantra by using it in your meditation.


Class 3 - You will learn the practical aspects of meditation and know more about the healing benefits meditation creates for the mind-body system. You will also have an opportunity to share your experiences & get answers to any questions that you might have regarding your practice.


Class 4 - You will learn more about the higher states of consciousness that can be achieved with regular Primordial Sound Meditation practice.

Healing Therapy

Single Sessions
(Guided Meditation) 
Duration - 20 minutes

Create a sense of spaciousness and effortless-ease while

I guide you into a meditation session.  

Re-store, Re-energize and reconnect with your source.

Single Sessions
(Guided meditation plus pranayama) 
Duration - 30 minutes

Pranayama practices serve as a great precursor for meditation. By practice of pranayama the mind becomes one pointed and one can progress quickly in meditation. Let your breath do the work while you enjoy the calm & peace offered by meditation.

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